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16 yr old female with severe anaemia

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome."I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan

16 years old female studying 10th class came with the complaints of fever since 10 days , 

SOB  since one week, 

 vomiting since 2 days

 constipation  ( did not pass stools ) since  10 days

Patient was apparently  asymptomatic 3 months ago then she took covid vaccine in January 2022 ( 2nd dose )  following which she had fever high grade,  continuous , which lasted for 2 to 3 days , associated with giddiness , easy fatiguability. 
Patient was fine till 10 days back then she had complaints of fever,  high grade,  associated with chills lasted for one week and it was subsided with medication . 
no  h/o  loose stools, vomiting , burning micturition ,cough , cold, sore throat.  

C/o of SOB  progressed from Grade 2 to grade 3 over last 10 days
Palpitations + 
No h/o chest pain , orthopnea, pnd

 C/o vomitings ,   non bilious, non projectile with food as content.  

H/O constipation since 10 days ( previously bowel habits were regular  )
No complaints of pain abdomen . 

H/O  weight loss of 10 kgs in 2 years 
9th class( 2020) : 45 kgs 
July 2021  : 40 kgs
 now 34 kgs

Outside REPORTS : (24/3/22) 
HB : 3.1
TLC : 3800
PLT : 24000
RBC : 1.0 million 
Mcv : 106 
MCHC :  50 
Pcv : 09




BREAKFAST : till 2020 patient used to take rice to school and since 1 year patient was drinking tea with biscuits and going to school 

LUNCH :  school management  provides lunch daily with dal and rice and eggs thrice weekly ( mid day meal programme) 

EVENING :  patient doesn't eat anything

 DINNER :  pt eats rice with curry ( bottle guard, ladies finger, etc )  doesn't drink milk, rarely consumes curd . 
Consumes non veg  (chicken) once in a month

APPETITE :  loss of appetite since 3 days.  

BOWEL & BLADDER : constipation  ( did not pass stools ) since 10 days. 
Bladder habits were regular.

SLEEP : adequate 
No  known addictions 

Attained menarche 3yrs ago. Normal flow   :  3-5 days bleeding, changes 1-2 pads/ day. No clots  & no dysmenorrhoea

father : used to work as reliance employ, became alcohol addict since 6 yrs, drinks alcohol daily. & not working at present

MOTHER : works as daily wage labourer. 
socio economic status : lower middle class ( acc to B.G prasad's classification) 


Ht : 145cm 
Wt : 34 kgs
BMI : 16.2 Kg/m2 

Pallor ++

Knuckle hyperpigmentation 

Bald tongue

No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema. 

Temp : 98.6f
PR: 136 bpm
Bp : 100/40 mmhg
RR : 18cpm
Spo2 : 98% @RA

Cvs : jvp raised

Apex beat : 5th ICS . 1 1/2 inch lateral to MCL S1 s2 heard. systolic murmur + @pulmonary area, tricuspid area with carotid radiation 
Parasternal haeve + 

Per ABDOMEN : mild hepatomegaly + 

DIAGNOSIS : Pancytopenia  & 
Fever under evaluation 

On 24/3/22

1) SYP. CREMAFFIN 10ml /po/HS 
2) INJ. OPTINEURON 1amp in 100ml /iv/OD
3) Inj.NEOMOL 1gm i.v sos
4) TAB.DOLO 650mg po/ sos
5) Planning for 1 PRBC Transfusion 
6)Soap water enema stat
7)INJ. ZOFER 4 mg / iv/BD
8) INJ.PAN 40 mg /iv/po/OD

24/3/22 :passed.stools after giving soap water enema at 8:30 pm 
1 unit ( PRBC ) blood transfusion done at 9:30 pm 

On 25/3/22 
Subjective  : sob decreased compared to yesterday 
generalised weakness + 
No fever spike 

Objective : pt is c/c/c
Bp : 110/70
Pr : 98bpm
Cvs : s1s2 + 
Rs : Bae + 
P/A : mild hepatomegaly 

Assessment : Anemia secondary to nutritional cause ? B12 deficiency  

Plan : TAB. DOLO 650mg /po/TID
TAB.PAN 40mg /po/OD
INJ. ZOFER 4mg sos
Inj. NERVIGEN 1000micrograms in 100ml /NS / i.v /OD
TAB. FOLIC ACID 5mg /po/oD


S : c/o  b/L leg pains + 
SOB decreased

O : pt is c/c/c
Bp : 100/70
Pr : 92 bpm
Cvs : s1s2 + 
Rs : Bae + 
P/A : mild hepatomegaly

A : DIMORPHIC ANEMIA with pancytopenia secondary to ? Nutritional cause 
P : continuing same treatment ( CST ) 


S : c/o fever ++ 
c/o  b/L leg pains decreased
SOB decreased

O : pt is c/c/c
Temp : 99.2
Bp : 100/70
Pr : 116 bpm
Cvs : s1s2 + 
Rs : Bae + 
P/A : mild hepatomegaly

A : DIMORPHIC ANEMIA with pancytopenia secondary to ? Nutritional cause 

S : no  fever  spikes

O : pt is c/c/c
Temp : 98.8
Bp : 100/70
Pr : 112 bpm
Cvs : s1s2 + 
Rs : Bae + 
P/A : mild hepatomegaly

A : DIMORPHIC ANEMIA with pancytopenia 


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