65 yr old male with right LL consolidation
A 65 yr old male came to hospital with c/o - breathlessness since 4 days. - fever since 4 days. - cough since 3 days. HOPI - Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back, then he developed breathlessness which is insidious in onset, not associated with wheeze, increased on execution, orthopnea present, relieved with rest. HR also c/o fever since 4 days, not associated with chills, evening rise of temperature present He also c/o cough since 3 days, non - expectorant, increases on exposure to cold air. C/o loss of weight, loss of appetite present, biomass exposure +. No c/o chest pain, chest tightness, hemoptysis, palpitations, decreased urine output. Past History : N/k/c/o HTN, DM, epilepsy Past h/o similar c/o SOB in winter season and usage of inhaler in the season occasionally (SOS). No past h/o TB, covid 19 Personal history : Loss of appetite + Sleep - inadequate. Occupation - farmer Bowel and bladder g revular Alcohol - regular 90ml/day daily Smoking - beedis 2-3/day for 2